Tuesday, October 30, 2007

vacation part one

hey everyone!! I am writing to you from an internet cafe in toulouse. heidy and I are finishing up the first leg of our journey, now we are just killing time until our train later on today.

toulouse has been a lot of fun, thought it was a lot smaller than I was expecting it to be. Heidy haq a friend here, so when we got here saturday we went to the hotel, walked around a bit, ate, then went out to a bar/club with benji and some of his friends. It was fun, but I was completely exhausted since I had to get up at 5:45 am in order to make all my trains on time. Thankfull around 1 am I convinced Heidy to leave, lol. Sunday we went to the Basilique St Sernin where there was this super huge marche, and inside there were all these holy relics from the middle ages. it was cool, because there was also a statue of st rocco! I forgot that he was from around this area. We checked out the capital building, took naps, and then went out to dinner.

Yesterday we hit up a museum and a church where we saw the tomb of Thomas of Aquinas, then went shopppiiiiiiing. We are planning on going to Monte Carlo, but there is a very strict dress code and all I have with me are jeans, so I bought a cute dress at Etam and found some super cute earrings at Agatha. We had a very cas. dinner and then benji came over for a chat. Around quarter to 11 there was this huge banging on our door and some old guy was like "I paid money to sleep, not to listen to you!" then slammed his door shut. HOW RUDE. AND on top of that he and his wife got up at 7 this morning and were so freaking loud it was ridiculous!!

the weather has been nice so far, though a bit chilly and rainy. We are still a bit inland, though, so hopefully once we get to Marseille it will be fab. I totally brought my bathing suit with me. I am determined to go in the Mediterranean even if it kills me (though not really, but you get the idea).

GO RED SOX. I kept calling home at ungodly hours to find out the game scores. Yesterday I think I called home at 8am east coast time. I believe the conversation went a little like this

Dad: Hello?
Dad: What?
Liz: Did we win last night? The Red Sox?
Dad: Huh, oh, yeah, we won
Liz: WOOOOOOOO k thanks bye

/end conversation

A classic, if I do say so myself.

I shall bid you all adieu for the moment, hopefully in marseille we will hop on the net at some point and i can keep you updated.


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