Tuesday, October 23, 2007

its a giant conspiracy

I tried to right in this early but the computer here at the lycee wouldn't let me open the right page. Its obviously a french conspiracy to prevent me from revealing the TRUTH about the land of the frog.

I don't really have much to say except to add a bit of gossip about the ongoing drama that is Veronique Brouchard. Claire (one of my professors), being the doll that she is, picked me up today for school and in the car she asked me if I knew that someone wanted to sue some of the Spanish teachers. Guess who! THATS right its Veronique, who has accussed Anne of KIDNAPPING me and breaking all sorts of school policies. She and her husband threatened to call the inspecteur and the syndicat (the education bosses) and tell them everything that happened, and then take legal action. HAHAHAHAHA why, so she can be yelled at for neglect? What the hell would they sue for? These french people are freakin crazy man.

In other news my villagers are duing well (I've been playing virtual villagers, a fantastically crappy sim game), though last night they bred like rabbits. Only 4 have died so far, and all were over 60 years old, which is a good sign. I need to figure out what the puzzle I missed was so I can get them all done before too long. I really want to download seasons 7 and 8 of SVU from itunes because I can't get the NBC website to work. Obviously there is not enough sex (crimes) in my life. At least I have Degrassi, and by the time I get back from vacation maybe I will have gotten my first paycheck. YAAAY MONEY.

Speaking of, I need to book the tickets for the second leg of my journey. ooops?

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