Monday, October 22, 2007

lazy monday

Hello world, I am super excited because my packages from home came just in time!!! I am starting my lessons on halloween TOMORROW and without all the super awesome stuff mom has sent me, what would I do??? I was going to do laundry today but I have yet to buy detergent, and its monday so nothing is open until this afternoon, so I will wait.

This weekend was crazy!! We woke up and headed off to the weekly marche. This week is a kind of gourmand week in montargis, so on saturday there was a huge market all up and down the main shopping street. I bought some gorgeous brioche and freshly pressed apple juice. they had the giant machine there and you could watch them do it, it was super cool. I also went to the bookstore and bought the next two books in the series I'm reading.

We just chilled for the day, probably I took a nap or soemthing. NO WAIT. OK this is what we did. We went to the store to figure out why the internet wasn't working, and they told us all we had to do now was to install the cd and it would work. So after much fussing it worked--on everyones computer but mine. WTF. So I got super depressed, so Ysmay walked back to the store with me, where I fought on the phone with some stupid tech guy. He told me the problem was with my computer so for a simple 49 euro (about $75 us) a tech guy could come out in 2 weeks in fix it. BITCH WHAT?? I said no fucking way, then left.

So back home I manage to get the internet to work when its plugged in, but the wifi refused to work. so I looked up the number for mac support in france and called. 10 minutes later my wifi worked. BITCHINFUCKYOUORANGE. So obviously since then I have been online as much as possible.

Yesterday I installed skype and spoke to Mike for a bit, which was beyond fab. He's in China for the year. Then last night after dinner Ysmay and I watched the last three hours of Pride and Prejudice, and now we both have Mr Darcy wallpapers, lol.

Today my packages from home are here, so I need to pick them up at 3. I just got off of Skype with Heidy, arranging things for vacation. We leave this weekend, I'm super excited!! Sanchez is really good at finding cheap accomodations, so its going to be fun. We may do a day trip into Monaco if we have the time for it so we can feel really guilty for being really poor, haha.

If you're reading this Joe and/or Mary, tell the 'rents I say hi and let them know that the packages got here. Hope ya'll are having fun in Florida!!!!

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