Tuesday, October 23, 2007

theres nothing like a fire to make class interesting

Because you know you can't get enough of me

So class today was interesting. Its the same group that gave me much trouble last week aka makes me wish I drank during the day. So I was talking and no one was paying attention, you know it was all going nicely. I made them try to write mini ghost stories. So I'm standing there talking to one student and we hear this loud POP and I look back and there was SMOKE COMING OUT OF ONE OF THE COMPUTERS. Etienne, one of the students, was playing with the wires, and SETTHEFUCKINGCOMPUTERONFIRE. Or rather I think he blew a chip. But still. SMOKE. And the french apparently don't believe in fire, because if we have a smoke detector in our flat damned if I know where it is. So obviously i told Claire, their professor, and from now on we're keeping the class together.

I love all my other students, though. I saw my NRC class (they're kids who have already graduated high school but aren't going to University, so they are studying to go into sales, etc) today in the halls and they were all excited to say hi, and one of the girls told me she thought I looked like Jennifer Grey from Dirty Dancing which was cool because it's her favorite movie. LOVESTHEKIDS. Its just nice to know that some of my students like me, lol.

In other news I emailed Sylvie Gouchet, who is in charge of all the english language assistants in my region, and told her what was going on with Veronique, and just asked her if anyone said anything to her could she please mention that I had previously spoken to her about it or to let me know who I could write a letter to. She told me she would call Veronique and see what is going on, so hopefully everything will straighten itself out.

I would like to dedicate this post to KMOY because I totally missed her phonecall because my phone hates me (aka I had probably left it on vibrate), but it also doesn't tell me when I have a voicemail. I think by the end of this experience I will have become a major conspiracy theorist person thing.

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