Wednesday, October 17, 2007

part two

So lets talk about my flat, and how its a piece of shit, lol. No, not really, but its owned by town hall and they're tearing it down in may so they didnt find the need to fix it up at all for us, plus the assistants last year totally trashed it. The wallpaper is falling down and there are water stains on the wall, but its large and super cheap. Between all of our bills for rent, heat, electricity, insurance, internet, etc I'm still paying less than 200 euro a month (about 300 us) so WHATEVS lol.

The other assistants:
Manuel is a quiet little heavy metal spanish boy. He is very nice and cleans up, but has random little quirks which drive me crazy. He smokes, and when he uses the frying pan he puts like an inch of oil in it, then leaves the oil there to use the next day. I'm sorry but I don't use no ones dirty oil. He was also into that weird euro thing where at night you follow the yellow mellow rule (for those of you not familiar with it, it regards the toilet. if its yellow let it mellow, if its brown flush it down) but I'm totally not cool with that because our toilet is this tiny little room with no ventilation, so it reaks like piss. Thankfully he has caught on about that one
Tinette is sitting right next to me, lol. No, she is super nice. SHe is german but speaks english very well, so I try to refuse to speak english with her, haha. She is a bit older than the rest of us, so she now lives in her own flat.
Ysmay is my dearest. We were facebook friends over the summer, so it was nice to already now her. Bitch is 6'1. Shes super clean, which I love, though hopefully she will soon learn to stop leaving the lights on in her room, lol. Electricity is expensive in france, yo. She's very much a mother hen, which is nice because then I dont have to take on that role all the time.

Last week we just observed classes, and as much as I love the sound of my own voice I'm sick of telling everyone that I'm 22 and single, lol. Last weekend we went to the local marche and then Anne took us out touristing. We also met the coolest man ever, JeanDo. He is an economics teacher we bumped into one day in the staff room. He told us how he never meets the assistants, and then offered us a ride home. We've been bff ever since. We saw him at the marche, and we see him all the time now. He calls us "les jolies filles" (the pretty girls) and even sent us a postcard from his minivacation this weekend. He's going to take me and Ysmay out for a daytrip to some local vineyards, woooo.

This past weekend I went to Rennes. It was a looooong stressful journey. Its a half hour walk to the train station, an hour to Paris, then two trains to get to the right train station, then two plus hours to Rennes. All in all it takes about 6 hours. And considering the fact that I forgot my cell, it was 6 hours of stress. All in all it was a fun weekend, even though moronuglyface Heidy wasnt there. I spent Sunday/Sunday night with my host family, which was the best thing ever. I stuffed my face like no ones business. It was so strange to be back there, because everything was the same even though at the same time it wasnt.

Yesterday was my first day teaching, and it was hell. Ehran wouldnt stop talking and wouldnt pay attention, so I spent half the time yelling at him. The students all seemed bored and wouldnt stop chatting. By the time it came to play the game I told Ehran that he had to sit out because I wasnt there to discipline him, I was there to teach. I got home and called mom and cried, lol, but I feel a lot better now. I think I need to expect a little more out of my students, even though every one told us that pretty much none of them could speak english.

Next week will be good though, because I'm just going to spend the whole week talking about halloween, lol. Hopefully my package full of halloween goodies will arrive before then!!!

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