Wednesday, November 7, 2007

I really hate when things are over

Woweee a whole week without posting, thats crazzzeeeeee.

The rest of the vacation was fun. We spent three days in Marseille, checking out churches and museums and the like. The weather at least was a bit nicer than in Toulouse. The best, obviously, was Nice. Originally we were spending one night at our first hotel and two nights at the second, but Hotel Felix was so fab. The guy there was so hilarious and so freaking nice. I think he is originally turkish or lebanese, because neither french nor english was his first language. He gave us a more expensive room at a cheaper price because he had originally but us on the fourth floor (which we in the states call the fifth) but he could tell we were freaking exhausted. Then when we told him we decided to stay there the next two nights he let us stay in the room for the cheaper price. He was super cute. When he left he told us we better come back next time with our boyfriends, lol.

Nice was so freaking pretty, and so nice out! Our first afternoon there we just explored a bit, did some shopping, and I put my feet in the mediterranean!! The next day we headed off to Monaco, where we got really lost but saw some great things. We saw a huge collection of old cars and bikes, and I saw Grace Kelly's tomb. Obviously, we went to Montecarlo, where I took a super illegal video of the toilets. Yes, the toilets, because they are the greatest toilets. I will not tell you about it though, because I plan on using that video to become the next internet superstar. Thats right kids, I've already planned what I'm going to say on Jay Leno. HA> Seriously though once I have batteries for my camera I will upload it all.

Montecarlo was super classy, but tiny!! There really was only four rooms--two rooms with slots, and two with tables. Of course it was super chic. We were there in the afternoon, so it was only like serious old men gamblers. I only became semiaddicted to blackjack. But dude, these rich guys were just tossing out thousands of dollars in roulette. I've never seen that much money in my life!!! Heidy and I were like..instead of throwing the money away gambling, just give it to us!! We obviously tried to get old men to buy us drinks, but even my low cut shirt didn't work. DAMN THE MAN. At one point we though this guy was going to... We were going to get some coffee, but in the casino it was 5 euro and I was trying to convince Heidy to get it anyways. I was like "Come on, then we can tell people we've had coffee at montecarlo!" And some guy was like "screw the coffee get champagne!" AND WE TOTALLY SHOULD HAVE MACKED ON THAT. but obviously we didn't....we just went somewhere else and paid 4 euro for coffee instead, lol. Thats the one thing about the south of france. its really freakin frackin fuckin EXPENSIVE. I probably ended spending about 20 euro (thats almost 30 US) a night on dinner and such.

Our last day in Nice we went to the Henri Matisse museum and walked around a bit, then I sat around while Heidy climbed a shitload of steps to see some dumb view. I HATE STAIRS. aka the elevator was broken, haha, and I refused to climb all those stairs.

Since then I've just been lounging around. Literally. I haven't really left my bed since I got back on Monday night, lol. I did some food shopping, thats about it. Manuel got back yesterday, and we discovered today that our hot water has turned a lovely shade of brown. MMMMM. I called around, and Gardenia said its because there is lots of.. Calcium? (I don't know the translation) in our hot water tank, and since we went almost two weeks without using the water, it built up etc. etc. AKA our water bill is going to be high this month because we had to completely empty the water tank. DAMN YOU BILLS. DAMN you also Sylvie gouchet for lying to meeeee. I was so stressed out about money, and it turns out we got paid a week earlier than we were expecting. AKA I had 800 euros when I thought i had nooooooooooooooooooone. CURSE YOU MR MAGOO

I have to like, work, tomorrow and I haven't planned all my lessons, HAHA. Bayram my Turkish Lover (aka one of our friends here) Invited himself over this weekend, haha, but at least it means we have a social life!! Really though, he is a first year teacher at the lycee, so he is super young, so we all hang out at the lycee. This weekend we're going to go to the movies and he's going to buy me and Ysmay lots of yummy pastrys. MMM GLUTTONY

I think perhaps I will work my way through the seven deadly sins while I am here in France. You know, give myself something to do besides corrupt minors.

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