Sunday, November 11, 2007

aaahhh the weekend.

well these past few days back at school have been fun. It was nice seeing all my students again, and I had my first classes with Bayram, which were HILARIOUS. Bayram is very giggly and sarcastic in real life, but Teacher Bayram is scary mean!! He's very strict with his students, it got to the point where even I was nervous!!

Anyways. Friday Ysmay and I ran errands in town and had yummy baguettes from our favorite patisserie, then Friday night we went to the local pool (conveniently located across the street) and swam laps until swim lessons, then had a yummy dinner.

Saturday was cleaning day. Last year there were three boys and one girl in the appartment, and they NEVER cleaned. The building is also rather old. We bought a mop and such on Friday so that we could give the flat a good scrub. We cleaned every surface in the appartment, we even took the rugs outside and beat them. Manual was in charge of the bathroom and the toilet, and I have never seen our tub looking so beautiful!! Before it had all sorts of rust and calcium stains all over it, and it's so clean now it looks brand new!!

We took a rest after cleaning, then I texted Bayram because he was supposed to come over for a film. Turns out he forgot it was his best friends birthday, so instead we went out to dinner with him and his friend Stephan and his girlfriend Lucille. We went out for mexican, then went to Stephans place. His family is....quirky, but hilarious. Stephans niece Maeva was there, and she was so cute. We watched a film, but Ysmay and I were so tired we still don't quite understand what happened in the end, haha. But it was really fun to go out and do stuff, and Stephan has already offered to bring us to all sorts of places (mm like versailles!!).

So today I slept until like, noon, then spent a bit of time filling in my agenda. I still have a lesson to plan for tuesday, and I should probably like, get dressed or something, haha. My room is already messy again, so I guess I should also fix that up a bit.

Sooorrrryyyyyy this post is all boring, haha. I'm sure the next will be much more exciting. PROMISE.

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