Wednesday, November 14, 2007

grrr arrggghh

so the rest of last night passed uneventfully, and by uneventfully I mean that I slept very fitfully and had many dreams about peeing my pants, or rather peeing on my pajama pants, rinsing them out in the sink, and then putting them back on. Thats what I get for being lazy and not getting up to go to the bathroom when I really have to pee.

I got up at the asscrack of dawn (8 am) and headed for the bus stop, you know, same old same old. Chatted with Tinette (the german ta who lives in another flat) and made swim plans for later. Made my thanksgiving lesson (though I need to find a place that sells LOTS of construction paper so that we can make hand turkeys), then headed off to class. I accidentaly went the long way and as I was walking Christophe goes "Oh Liz didn't they tell you, you don't have class today I have a meeting" OHMYFUCKINGWHODIDIT. Christophe is my only class today, yo! And I'm sad because I really like that class and now I won't see them until after Christmas (they are going on internships). WAAH. Not to mention the fact that IDIDNTHAVETOWAKEUP this morning!!!!!! !!!


Apparently Christophe even told them to leave me a note yesterday and let me tell you NO ONE did. Some one is getting cut bad, yo.

So now I'm just killing time until the next bus shows, since I am still bikeless and just a tad too lazy to walk (plus it might rain and damn if I'm letting my shoes get hurt).

I need to spend an assload and buy a converter for my mac so that my students dont have to huddle around my teeny tiny macbook to watch a tv show for class. Apple decided to be clever and charge $19 for it on the american site, and freakin frackin €19 for it on the french site (aka almost 1.5 times the price) but after shipping and such, and getting it here on time, I'm just going to have to spend the extra money. boooooo

I'm trying to decide what tv show to show my students. It has to be good, yet easy to understand, and preferably one they haven't seen. I'm thinking old school might be a little better, but not too old school. Maybe I'll show an episode of full house! OOOO but what episode to show? Maybe the episode where the twins were born during Michelle's birthday party. Thats a classic and full of information. OOOOO no I know what I'll do!!! The disneyland eps were a two parter, right? We'll watch the first one, answer some questions, then they have to guess what happened in the second one. OOOOOOOOO I'm a genius.

ps send me mail.

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