Tuesday, November 13, 2007

poke me with a fork and call me done, yo. I am sooo freaking tired. I didn't sleep well last night (I ended up taking one of my sleepy time pills) and between my first and second classes today I have a 5FREAKING hour break. Not to mention the fact that when I got here the hot chocolate machine wasn't working (though thankfully it is now or I would murder you. immediately). My first class was quite dull and the students were quite dumb. They were supposed to be researching Angela Davis and Malcom X and when I quizzed them all they could tell me is when they were born and who their parents were, even after I told them what kind of information is important and what isn't. They also got pissed because I kicked them all of wikipedia. Dumb shits can't use a search engine. You know, once upon a time I had to find all my information in books. BOOKS. I doubt these kids know how to use an index. Damn if I wouldn't like to index their dumb butts.

so I've been waiting waiting waiting and I still have an hour and a half to go. SOFREAKINGBORED. All my work is done for the week, and I just have one lesson to plan for next week.

Last night I went to the pool and saw everyone and their mother, and by that I mean this lady I really don't like (and not just because she's cross eyed.) I timed my laps so we wouldn't be at an end together, but she caught up to me when I was leaving and I wanted to twitch. Of course then I had to walk into the changing room and see NAKEDFRENCHLADY. AHHHEEEEWWWWPUUUUKE. I proceeded to slit my wrists.

After I was resurrected I went back to the flat and ate dinner then did nothing for a very long time. I am in a funk. ANd you know what would bring me out of it? MAIL YOU JERKS. You know that thing that NO ONE HAS SENT MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE. Sure I get bills, but they really don't cheer you up much, you know? I will repeat one more time my address

Elizabeth Favorito
Logement des fonctions
Ecole Jean Moulin
Rue Jean Moulin
45200 Montargis

I have been here for over a month and the only thing I have received is ONE piece of mail, packages from my mom. No letters, no postcards, nothing. I think everyone in France must think I have no friends/family. So WORK ON IT.

I like how everyone I hate here is really unfortunate looking, as are their spouses. HAHAHA I AM SO MEEEEAAAANN.

uummm what else is there to say? I'm kind of annoyed because I feel like I do all of the talking for the flat and I'm a bit sick of it. We are kind of confused about how we pay our rent, they supposedly take it right out of our account but then we got a bill yesterday telling us to go and pay. So obviously someone has to go and take care of it. I didn't go yesterday because there was no guarantee that town hall was open. Ysmay finished around noon today and has no class tomorrow, but refuses to go. WTF. I don't see the difference between going by yourself and going with other people who aren't going to talk. I can't go today because I have class all day long. I won't get back from school until 1 tomorrow, town hall is closed until 2, and I am going to the pool at 4. Tomorrow afternoon is the only day I have to plan my thanksgiving lesson, which is going to be a dandy. I also need to go foodshopping. So I really don't know when I have the time to go. I'm in school all day thursday, and we really should have the problem solved by friday. Honestly I am just going to refuse to go, and if no one goes I will go on my own time then refuse to share my information. Welcome to the real world, people, where we often have to do things we don't want to.

grrrr arggghhh bitch bitch bitch. now I have a head ache and 3 hours of classes to go. SPEEEEEWWWWWWWW

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