Sunday, December 2, 2007

What was that you said? "What have you been up to, Liz?"

Oh nothing much, nothing much besides DYING. I don't remember the last time I wrote in this thing, since my last few days have been a bit of a blur. I went to school on Thursday not feeling well, so after my first class I hoofed it home. I thought I was just coming down with a really bad head cold, but it seems to be much worse. WebMD has confirmed my fears that it is indeed a sinus infection, and you know what a sinus infection means--DOCTORS.

I had really been trying to avoid going to a doctor. a) because I was in denial (but 5 days of no change really says something to a sick girl) and b) I don't know how to say "sinus infection" in french and c) I don't know how to GO to the doctor in France.

Thankfully Andy answered Michelles cell phone tonight so I got to speak to her about it. Apparently all I have to do is call and they'll see me within 24 hours, then I get reimbursed by my french insurance. Except that I don't know how to FIND a french doctor. Thankfully one of my professors, Claire, used to live around here and so I left a message on her phone asking her what to do.

So as much as I hate doctors I will figure this out and go, seeing as I won't get any better if I don't, and i would like to get back to swimming and swearing without all the pain in my face... and then I'll stop feeling so sorry for myself and eating all the chocolate. Though that doesn't matter because I did finish it already, but a girl can DREAM, CAN'T SHE. ?!?!?!

In other news I would like to give Heidy Sanchez a great big middle finger because I am now hooked on Avatar. At least being sick in bed all day means I can watch TV shows in bed all day!!!!!!

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