Monday, December 10, 2007

well then!

the last week has been super crazy with all sorts of stuff going on.

Wednesday we had another meeting in Orleans to talk about how everything is going and discuss any problems we were having. It was useful, but soooooo boring. So I skipped out on the second half, lol, and went shopping with another assistant named Oly. We just walked around Orleans and then had a cup of coffee. MMMM coffee.

Thursday was all sorts of drama. My champions on the english department told me I really had to talk to the headmaster about the problems I'm having with E.Pernez, so thats what I did. He seemed annoyed, but I think more at EP than at me. I was then instructed by Christophe to avoid EP at all cost, so I spend the last period hiding out in his class, HA. Friday went really well, for all that I hate EP his students are great. He saw me and acted like nothing happened, and when I saw the headmaster later he was all "Oh he said you guys had already decided to do your own thing." I can't wait to tell Christophe that one.

Saturday was Paris!! For a little bit at least, lol. I met up with the dear A Valenti and we tried to shop but it was pouring rain out. So we took the train back to MOntargis where it was super windy and my umbrella broke a billion times. We stopped by a patisserie and bought dessert, then ate baked ziti and drank half a bottle of wine. MM. We watched Degrassi, then went to bed.

In the morning we walked around and went to this super awesome chocolate shop, then back to the flat to eat breakfast. We got to the train station with literally i think a minute to spare. Then I took a long nap and spent the day reading

Today there is a bunch of shit I'm supposed to get done but its so icky out. I will definately go to the pool later, and we're almost out of milk but I feel like I'm the only one who has bought milk in a very long time.

Sorry for no witty-ness. Does anyone know how to turn this stupid automatic spellcheck off?? all this red underlines makes me want to murder someone. REDRUM. REDRUM.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is great info to know.