Saturday, February 16, 2008


Vienna started out on a shakey foot. Got here, slept, then ate. I thought my roommates were nice, but then they talked all night long, and again starting at 7 in the morning.

Tiia and I saw St Peters, which was incredible, and Mozarts House, which was okay. Then we made fools of ourselves wearing crowns at burger king, and walked around for a few hours before returning.

I was trying to nap when the roommates came back and refused to be quiet because "its 4 so I think we'll do what we want." I immediately went to reception and changed my room. After a bit Tiia and I went to eat, and then went ice skating!

It was so incredible. The town hall was all lit up, and they had two rinks with a bunch of paths connecting them, and music going. There were a bunch of venders and stuff, and it was just so magical. We skated for about an hour or so, then came back and got gelatto then off to bed.

Today we headed off to the Austrian Zoo which much to my shock and utter delights has THREE GIANT PANDAS. Now if anyone barely knows me they know I love giant pandas and have never seen one and have been dying to. And now I got to see THREE. We had to stand in line for almost half an hour, and the two adults were sleeping and the baby was in the lair, but for the first few minutes or so he was in the doorway and you could see him. You were only allowed to be in there for 10 minutes before they kicked you at, but as we left the male went to the outside area, so I got to stand there and stare forever and take lots of pictures and video and try not to cry.

Then it was back for another nap, and I just made myself some dinner and am trying to figure out how my bank works because a lot of money disappeared in the last few days, so I am a bit concerned/broke. And I still have 5 1/2 days left.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you're having a good time except for the nasty dude who threw up on your stuff and the money problems but hey, life is never You should try to scoop up one of the british guys esp if the one named Darcy is a guy (how pride and prejudice...its the stuff of my adolescent Take care babe.
