Sunday, February 3, 2008

the last few days have been a lot of fun, despite all of the drama currently going on in my life.

Yesterday I wasn't planning on doing much, but I made a quick run into town to check on my bank account and hit up the end of the month-long sales. I was walking down the main street of town and bumped into the chinese new years celebration that apparently three of my students were performing in. I bumped into a few others on the street. I ran home and called Tinette (the german assistant)

We met up and watched the spectacle the students put on and I bought a pretty rice paper umbrella to decorate my room with. We then went out for some coffee and discussed all my current woes. Tinette is being awesome and lending me her sleeping bag because....drumroll please

Over my break I am going to Brussels, Munich, Vienna, Venise, and Milan. I am SUPER excited even though housing for 4 nights between Venise and Milan is costing me the same as housing for 8 nights in Brussels, Munich, and Vienna. Fuckin' Italians.

I am going by myself, and most of the times I will be staying in dorms. eek! Never done either of them before, but it should be a lot of fun. Especially since I finally got my camera working properly since when I lent it to Dad he changed a bunch of the settings and I could no longer get my flash to work *shakes fist* BUT he did buy my eurail pass so I will keep my lips (mostly) sealed.

Today I actually got dressed!!! Thats a big thing for a sunday, let me tell you. I even played with my hair and tried to make it look nice. If todays hair works out, I think I will have finally given this hair cut the thumbs up (1+month later). Today I am heading to Tinettes for coffee then we are going to the movies at the brand new movie theatre!! OOOOO. It actually looks like a movie theatre, instead of the last one which was really just a house/appartment building that was renovated and turned into a tiny little 4 screen theatre.

Anywho. I am going to go play with my hair some more. ciao.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey poopie,

Got your angry voicemails...reminsced about previous voicemails. Have made resolution to pick up phone unless in class. Miss you much. Med school still hard. Anything in my life? no...sad but true. I read your journal everyday like the stalker I truly am and try to hide. Smooch. ~Gnana