Wednesday, January 30, 2008

I'm baaaaaaaaack

ok so I haven't really been writing in this thing for a while, but things have been super busy of late.

My classes are going well, and they will be better by the end of this week, muhwahaha. what I mean by this is that the bain of my existance, aka TSTG1, will soon be off my schedule foreveeerrrrrrr. Which is a shame really because they were really good these past few weeks, but on tuesday one of the dumb shits made some crude and very impolite gestures in class and I refuse to have anything to do with them anymore.

I still haven't met one of my classes, but I don't need to ever prepare anything for them so that is fine with me.

In other news vacation starts up in a little over a week. I've been trying to figure out what to do, but I think I'm going to do it true backpacker style and just go wherever the wind blows me--as much as my little OCD self can manage. I'm going to book a train and hotel in brussels, then when I arrive in the train station I'll book my next ticket, use the internet at the hotel to get a room, then keep on with this basically until I run out of money. It will be blissful solitude, which we all know I enjoy greatly.

I can't believe its almost feb. vacation. after that its 6 weeks of classes, then I'm basically done. Damn time flies when you ain't doin' much, lol. Though I'm still trying to figure out where the crap all my money goes. Not into buying me pretty things, I can tell you that.

I have officially applied to grad school. Come back in 4-6 weeks to see if I was officially rejected. wo0t

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