Monday, December 31, 2007

crazy like whoa no

So the last few weeks have been super crazy.

One H. Sanchez made plans to spend the night at my flat in Montargis before her flight from Paris on the 21st. Her flight was at 9 something... so she makes plans and travels to Montargis. She calls me when she leaves the station and I'm all "okay I'll start dinner!"

Twenty minutes later she called to tell me she had arrived, but when I went outside no one was there. I wandered around the neighborhood in my robe and slippers, only to discover that Heidy had, in fact, been dropped off at the ecole de Gendarmerie on the other side of Montargis. Thankfully the taxi man graciously agreed to go back and pick her up and bring her to me free of charge.

Then of course Heidy informs me that her train is at 530 in the morning. So we wake up at 430 and run to the train. I had stolen little Manuelitos bike so that I could ride back, but mister 5'3 apparently decided that he is 5'8 and raised the seat on me, so I could like barely reach the peddles. At one point I tried to stop and get off the bike and it all just went tumbling to the ground...I still have the giant ass bruise on my thigh. Anyways. I decided to skip class and stayed in bed until hmm 5 pm maybe, HA.

So everything passed uneventfully until I was at the airport and wandering around aimlessly and heard a voice go "Hey Liz, look a bit lost there." It was like, all of Union college at the airport in France, and by all of union college I mean 2 boys that I know and some girl I didn't. but anways.

retelling stories is getting boring. I probably should have updated. In other news I hung out with Jes yesterday. We saw Juno which was really good, but then I was feeling sick so she dropped me at home. I've been feeling very naus lately, I haven't decided yet if its all the nice food I've been eating or the fact that I haven't taken my pills since I've been home. OOPS.

getting my hair cut. doing nothing for new years. ummm.

Monday, December 17, 2007

fucking bullshit

see, this is why I tried to take control of the whole situation.

Veronique "Mad Cow" Bouchard has made our schedules for the second half of the year, NOT waiting for us to consult as I had asked. So obviously who ended up with the shit end of the stick?

Oh wait, that would be me. I once again have a 930 to 230 break on thursdays, and have ONE class on Mondays from 230-330, you know those weird hours where there are no buses. Ysmay, obviously, has monday and fridays off... strange considering I have always asked to have mondays free. How come she once again gets three days off a week while I get four?

No its no fucking coincidence, its because Mad Cow hates me. UGH this is so annoying. My bags are already packed I just really want to go home like, yesterday

Sunday, December 16, 2007

I've apparently gone into nesting mode. Too bad I'm not like, pregnant or a hybernating bear or any other thing that would explain WHY. Maybe it's just because its so icky out and my bed is oh so comfy.

No much has happened in the last few days..well really thats a giant lie but nothing too exciting has happened. I mean, its not like I've won the lottery or anything fun like that. Christophe is still trying to mettle in my non existant love life. After class on thursday he was like "Liz we have to have a serious talk." I was just like aaaw shit I"m not going to get to go to Ireland! NOPE. "Liz, I'm serious, Bayram is in love with you." And then I shat myself laughing. AKA not because Christophe does not know the little secret I know, aka Bayram no likie the girls. Then he decided he was going to "prove it" to me and so he ran to the teachers lounge to try to find him. Thankfully the little shit had already gone home, lol. Christophe kept insisting how Bayram is such a nice guy so I replied "Well if you love him so much why don't you go out with him?" Then just kind of walked off, cackling. MWA. HAHA.

But seriously these last few days have been spent mostly in bed, listening to music and reading books and such, and occasionally pulling the covers over my head and going "WHHYYYYYYYYY." Have been to lazy to go to the pool, for all that it is a two minute walk away. Saturday was spent hanging out with Olly and finally finishing my xmas shopping. I was a bit...errr...overzealous, lol. aka all my shopping is done but I'm kinda broke. OOPS. You know what that means, right? It means you need to give me more presents than usual!!!!!!

I have to say though, for all that my housing is rather cheap, france is REALLYFUCKINEXPENSIVE. I bought a new cd that has 11 tracks and a bonus music video on a dvd, and it cost me 23 EURO. thats almost 30 us dollars...and thats a NORMAL PRICE. WTF EUROPE. Apparently this is a "normal" price. No wonder the cool thing here is to have messy "bedhead" hair... they spend all their money on clothes and music that the poor fucks can't afford shampoo. thats my only explanation for it. Which is weird because like, I MAKE money and yet I don't go shopping..though I suppose all the traveling is what has eaten up all my money. Every trip to rennes or redon costs over 100 euro at the end of it all...too bad montargis is so small or I could take up prostitution or something. Am too impatient to tutor, LOL.

Am super excited to GO HOOOOOOOOOME. they have completely rearranged the kitchen/living room and now apparently we have a bathroom door that CLOSES. WHAT NOVEL CONCEPT. Need to organize cousins dinner, see friends, play with maggie, etc.

dammit why isn't it late enough to go to bed yeetttt?????

Tuesday, December 11, 2007


Am currently listening to one of the greatest songs ever--Vienna by BJ.

Uuuhh yesterday I sat on my ass for hours, then went to the pool and got my assed kicked by 6 years who like, actually know how to swim. Not my fuckin' fault I failed 2nd level swimming twice. I'm afraid to put my face in the water--seeing Jaws too many times is probably to blame. DAMN YOURS STEPHEN SPEILBERGGGGGGGG.

Today was class. lots and lots of class. Nothing super exciting, it was quite a boring day actually, until none of my students could figure out how many states there are in the USA. I was literally on my ass laughing to death. Dumb french shits!! AKA I love them, HA.

I spoke to my little American girl and in true American fashion we made fun of all things french and british, and basically anything that isn't us. ITS THE AMERICAN WAY. I did some food shopping, then came home and almost MURDERED.

Okay heres the deal. I am applying for grad school, so I need to request transcripts. I call campus safety because really what else are they good for except to forward my calls? Two million people later I get a message, so I say fuck it and dial 0 to get a real person, and by real person I mean FUCKING MORON. Dear Union College, how will you ever be an Ivy League if you can't accept transcript requests online or by phone? And do your employees even have to take IQ tests?!?!

Liz: Is there any other way to submit a transcript request except by mail?
Lady: Did you listen to the message?
Liz: Well yes I did but the thing is I am living in France
Lady: Oh. Well that's a problem.
Liz: Yes, yes I guess it is.
Lady: Well you will just have to mail in your request with the payment. We won't process your request until we get paid.
Liz: Yes, but I am living in France, I have no american money.
Lady: Do you have a checking account or something?
Liz: Uh, yes.
Lady: So write a check or something.
Liz: Uh, what did we not understand? I AM IN FRANCE. Why would I have my US checkbook with me? ARE YOU SLOW?!
Lady: Oh.
Liz: Yes.

I mean come on, I told her a million times I had no US money and she was like "oh well you can fax us the request but you will still need to send us money." WTF MATE OMG. So now I have to email mom so she can write stupid Union college a stupid check for $12 just because union won't let me give them my fucking credit card number because they wouldn't know what to do with it if it was stuck up there ass and sealed up with wax. OMG MURDER. Dear Registrars office, you are a WASTE of LIFE.

okay deep breaths.

I shall listen to some lovey billy and calm. calm. calm.

ps wheres my mail, bitches?

Monday, December 10, 2007

well then!

the last week has been super crazy with all sorts of stuff going on.

Wednesday we had another meeting in Orleans to talk about how everything is going and discuss any problems we were having. It was useful, but soooooo boring. So I skipped out on the second half, lol, and went shopping with another assistant named Oly. We just walked around Orleans and then had a cup of coffee. MMMM coffee.

Thursday was all sorts of drama. My champions on the english department told me I really had to talk to the headmaster about the problems I'm having with E.Pernez, so thats what I did. He seemed annoyed, but I think more at EP than at me. I was then instructed by Christophe to avoid EP at all cost, so I spend the last period hiding out in his class, HA. Friday went really well, for all that I hate EP his students are great. He saw me and acted like nothing happened, and when I saw the headmaster later he was all "Oh he said you guys had already decided to do your own thing." I can't wait to tell Christophe that one.

Saturday was Paris!! For a little bit at least, lol. I met up with the dear A Valenti and we tried to shop but it was pouring rain out. So we took the train back to MOntargis where it was super windy and my umbrella broke a billion times. We stopped by a patisserie and bought dessert, then ate baked ziti and drank half a bottle of wine. MM. We watched Degrassi, then went to bed.

In the morning we walked around and went to this super awesome chocolate shop, then back to the flat to eat breakfast. We got to the train station with literally i think a minute to spare. Then I took a long nap and spent the day reading

Today there is a bunch of shit I'm supposed to get done but its so icky out. I will definately go to the pool later, and we're almost out of milk but I feel like I'm the only one who has bought milk in a very long time.

Sorry for no witty-ness. Does anyone know how to turn this stupid automatic spellcheck off?? all this red underlines makes me want to murder someone. REDRUM. REDRUM.

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

going to the doctor in france is super weird, yo!

First of all, there is no such thing as exclusivity. You need a doctor? Just call anyone up and go. I called some random office nearby yesterday morning and actually got an appointment for yesterday... qt 630 at night! I made it there on time and it was like something out of Silent Hill. There was no receptionist and NO ONE in the waiting room. I had no idea what doctor I was seeing.

The main part of the exam room was actually the doctors office. He asked me a few questions then brought me to his teeny tiny exam room and jammed his thumbs into my eye sockets and asked "Does this hurt?" NO SHIT IT DOES. But in any case two seconds later I was thrust out the door with a prescription for several things including ibuprofen, which in france you cannot get without a doctors note. crazy french fucks.

So I hoofed it to the pharmacie only to find out that they didn't have two of the things I needed, aka OBVIOUSLY one of the two was the antibiotic. Life can't be perfect after all.

So today I ran around like a mofo to the pharmacie (where they did not tell me what to do with the dman pills) then I went off to the prefecture to take care of the paperwork that will, you know, like, allow me back into the country, HA. Then some creepy guy tried to pick me up at the bus stop, and obviously if you're smoking in my face I'm going to say no. GOD I am american after all. Smoking is for loooosersss.

So now I'm here at school early to take care of more paperwork (because I was absent) and get some photocopying and such done.

Sunday, December 2, 2007

What was that you said? "What have you been up to, Liz?"

Oh nothing much, nothing much besides DYING. I don't remember the last time I wrote in this thing, since my last few days have been a bit of a blur. I went to school on Thursday not feeling well, so after my first class I hoofed it home. I thought I was just coming down with a really bad head cold, but it seems to be much worse. WebMD has confirmed my fears that it is indeed a sinus infection, and you know what a sinus infection means--DOCTORS.

I had really been trying to avoid going to a doctor. a) because I was in denial (but 5 days of no change really says something to a sick girl) and b) I don't know how to say "sinus infection" in french and c) I don't know how to GO to the doctor in France.

Thankfully Andy answered Michelles cell phone tonight so I got to speak to her about it. Apparently all I have to do is call and they'll see me within 24 hours, then I get reimbursed by my french insurance. Except that I don't know how to FIND a french doctor. Thankfully one of my professors, Claire, used to live around here and so I left a message on her phone asking her what to do.

So as much as I hate doctors I will figure this out and go, seeing as I won't get any better if I don't, and i would like to get back to swimming and swearing without all the pain in my face... and then I'll stop feeling so sorry for myself and eating all the chocolate. Though that doesn't matter because I did finish it already, but a girl can DREAM, CAN'T SHE. ?!?!?!

In other news I would like to give Heidy Sanchez a great big middle finger because I am now hooked on Avatar. At least being sick in bed all day means I can watch TV shows in bed all day!!!!!!