Sunday, March 23, 2008

I am very grumpy. Manuel is playing his ugly death metal music in singing along in falsetto and it makes me want to cut his tongue out with a rusty bread knife. We are currently not talking to each other (not that we ever really talked) since yesterday I left him a strongly worded note about his inability to do his dishes in a timely minor, inconveniencing everyone else (aka me).

Today I had a lovely easter at the laundromat and I am looking forward very much to sleeping in nice clean sheets tonight after walking around in my nice clean robe. In the name of savings I have started doing all my laundry in the bathtub (to wash and dry a load of laundry costs about 6 euro, aka around $9) but it takes everything about 2 days to dry, so my heavy duties (sheets, towels, bath robe) I took to the laundromat. It was actually quite a happening place, let me tell you.

I was supposed to clean my room today but where is the fun in that?? I shall leave it unto tomorrow.. DAMNIT. Tomorrow is a bank holiday which means no postal service which means no package from the parents... I think, let me google. well let me tell you google doesn't know SHIT.

and now I have the hiccups

Thursday, March 20, 2008


so it's been a while. things have been ok. I wanted to move my flight back a few days so that I wouldn't, you know, be like homeless or something for almost a week but it didn't really work out so I've been brainstorming ways to survive, LOL.

tuesday was my birthday for which I did absolutely nothing, lol. No one knew it was my birthday except for one of my students, who gave me a gift! yay! she gave me a pretty pair of earrings. The day kind of sucked because claire has kind of turned into a bitch. I told her I was having major problems with the lesson for next week and she didn't help at all. I took the bus home, then passed out in bed from about 6:30 to 8:30. I microwaved a quiche, then spoke to various family members. around 11:30 I took a sleeping pill, but it didn't help much

yesterday I woke up and had no desire to get out of bed, so I sent christophe and nathalie texts saying I was feeling ill and wasn't coming in. then I stayed in bed till 1, HA. then I discovered that someone had tried to deliver a package but it was sent fedex so it wasn't through the post office. I called the company and they told me someone would stop by sometime before 6. So at 6:05 when no one came I called and they had no record whatsoever of my package. !!!! The lady had to ask around until she found someone who knew what happened to it, so she said it would be delivered sometime between 8 am and noon.

So today I woke up at 8 and slept on the couch and miraculously woke up about 5 minutes before the delivery guy showed up. It was an awesome birthday package from Nicky, Kristin, and Hutch! I showered and took off for school, where Christophe was bitchy for 5 minutes. he was all "You were absent yesterday?? You can't just text me, that is such an american thing to do. it didn't even have a name on it, I mean it was in english so I knew who it was, but blahblahblah"

I had my last class with some of my 2ndes. I shared the easter candy that Kristin sent with them and they thought it was the greatest thing ever. They didn't even get mad when I made them take a picture, lol. In class with Christophe he'd forgotten that he was mad at me and just bitched about Bayram. WOOHOO I'm still the favorite kid, lol. He told me another one of his hunting stories, which absolutely kills me. Christophe is a 55 something year old chubby white guy who on the weekends hunts wild boar. And he doesn't just shoot them, he shoots them then slits their throats. It's very Lord of the Flies. But god, he sits there telling me all these crazy stories about being attacked by 400 pound animals and it just kills me. I really love how we just sit there in class while the students are working and shoot the shit, and I must say I'm glad those kids don't understand a lot of slang because we are very offensive, lol.

I got back and took another nap, which was a bad thing, but I have all weekend to readjust. I spoke to the ever loveable Heidy for a while, then had dinner. I don't have much to do this weekend, just some cleaning and foodshopping and hopefully baking if my package from the 'rentals get here tomorrow!

I'm thinking of going to amsterdam over the break

Sunday, March 9, 2008

I was very productive the last two days, meaning I have left myself with lots of time and little to do. 大変ですね〜!woohoo! now that I have been playing with the language options on my computer I have been having lots of fun typing in japanese.


hahha I'm such a tool. at least I have been kind and have not been typing in frenglish, though it is a bit difficult sometimes.

Speaking of, I think my french has gotten worse, lol. It's not like I ever use it. I probably spoke more french in my last year at Union than I have here.

Last night I watched Scooby Doo 2: Monsters Unleashed and it was incredibe.

that is all.

Friday, March 7, 2008

so annoyed

I don't wanna do woooooooooork

I have a crapload of things to do and no desire to do any of them. I am just annoyed because I hurt my jaw somehow but it's all the way back near my molars and i keep thinking I have cavities but its just the muscle getting mad at me.

I went to bed super early last night, then took a nap today so obviously i am not tired at all even though I can't afford to stay up late tonight and sleep in tomorrow, since Olly is coming to visit and I should probably clean my room. Or at least pick up the dirty clothes, lol.

School yesterday was cute. I got to my first class and there were only four people there--three were my students for the day, the other wasn't. A bunch of kids were absent for this student exchange thing, and everyone else skipped because their teacher was absent. The fourth student just said she had nowhere else to go, lol. I told them they could stay if they wanted and we could talk about whatever, or they could leave. Obviously they wanted to leave. I covered my eyes and said "I don't see anything!!" But when I opened them they were still there, so I laughed and told them that meant they should disappear, so I covered my eyes again and said "I never saw anyone show up for class, they all were excused" and they finally got the point and peaced out. silly french kids.

My other little kids are prepping for the Cambridge proficiency exam, which is a load of crap. It's more confusing than the SATs, and at least one of the answers was completely wrong. They did much better than we were expecting, though, so I'm not too worried. They thing they have to most worry about it choking up the day of the exam.

A little over one week till my birthday. If I don't get any birthday cards in the mail I am never speaking to any of you ever again.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008


my wireless internet in the flat stopped working 2 nights ago and has not fixed itself like it usually does, which puts me in a panic since it is incredibly hard to make lessons about sports like cricket when I, oh wait, know nothing about them.

according to the mac website if you buy applecare the same time you buy your laptop it is automatically registered, which I guess is a lie because the guy at machelpfrance said I was going to have to pay but after I cried for a little bit he said this one time he would help. He was in the middleof telling me that it wasn't a problem with my laptop but with orange but he could fix it when I got disconnected and the phone also stopped working. So now I am in a bit of a jam and will have to stay later than usual to get me work done just in case things don't get fixed today.

in other news I am very sad and upset with my country. OBAMA ALL THE WAY.

it was very hard not to type this entry in frenglish. anyways, off to class!!

Saturday, March 1, 2008

let me bring you up to date

Okidoki here is what we haven't covered:

Venice: was freakin expensive man!! I got there at 9 pm and it was just surreal. I paid an arm and a leg for the vaporetto and when I got off at my stop there was nothing there. Just creapy dark little windy streets. Where people, ya know, don't like speak english or anything. My instructions told me to follow the signs for piazza grassi, but in typical italian fashion there were no signs. I stopped like 5 people until I finally found it. it had NO SIGN, just a little lantern with "albergo san samuele" printed on it. WTF MATE. I ate the worst most overpriced lasagna ever, then went to bed.

The next day I walked to San Marco were people were letting pigeons sit on them and probably all dropped dead a few hours later of some horrid disease. San Marco was amazing, then I walked around for a while, took a nap, then crossed the canal to check out the Accademia, which was obviously closed and underconstruction, so I did some more wandering--all with a map, of course. I had no desire to die.

The next day I lazed around a bit, then headed for the Escuela San Rocco. Then I lost my map. EEK. I weasled my way into the giftshop for free and bought some San Rocco stuff, then checked out another church. I then tried to find my way to the train station to pick up my train tickets and only missed it by a couple hundred yards, WOOT. I am a navigational genius. I then took 2 hours or so to walk back to my hotel from the train station. Then the receptionist was creepy and trying to hit on me so I ran. And by ran I mean I locked myself in my room that he had a spare key to and barricaded the door, HA. TAKE THAT.

At this point I was out of money and tired of traveling, so I ended up canceling my hotel in Milan, and I'm glad I did because I HATED milan. it was ugly. It took me half an hour to figure out where to store my luggage. I bought a map and was trying to orient myself when some girl came asking for directions. I let her look at my map and then she invited me to spend the afternoon with her and her cousins. We went to see if there were any tickets for the last supper (obviously there weren't), then checked out the Duomo, which would have been amazing if it weren't covered in billboard advertisements. I split with them and grabbed some lunch, then walked back to the station and almost missed my train, lol.

Overnight trains are not fun and I am never going on one ever again.

This past week has been busy. I'm too cheap to go to the doctor so I've just been trying to stay off my feet as much as possible. I had some trouble in one of my classes that ended with one student getting suspended and three getting 4 hour detentions, so they all want to, you know, kill me. I tell everyone I'm afraid of getting shived on the playground. Anyways the Dean was supposed to change my classroom and do all this stuff and he never did and things got all confusing so we didn't have class on tuesday. The rest of my week was fine. My thursday afternoon classes were cancelled so I spent an hour sitting with one of my students, Zarema, who is a political refugee from Russia.

Yesterday I finished cleaning my room, and today I am scrubbing our disgusting grease coated kitchen from top to bottom. its a bitch on my skin and nails, but I think well worth the effort.

The rest of the weekend will be spent cleaning and lesson planning and enjoying having the place all to myself.

in the meantime you all need to go to my house and play with the puppy for me.