Friday, April 11, 2008

today was like the worst day ever.

I did not fall asleep until 6 am, and only after I crawled out of my bed and onto the futon. I was awoken to the lovely sounds of manuel-smoke-a-pack-a-day-rodriguez hacking up what is probably a part of his cancer-laden lung. its worse than listening to a cat hack up a hair ball.

I made myself a cup of coffee, drank about a third of it, then headed out to town. It was a very pretty day and I took lots of pictures. I went to the sous prefecture and picked up my new carte de sejour that actualy has my name spelled correctly. then I went to the tresor public and paid off my last two monts of rent. after that it was town hall to learn about closing down the appartment and all that. I had just two more things to do--cancel phone and internet, then talk to my bank. Everything with the phone goes ok, but to cancel the internet I had to call a number. At the number they couldn't find my name in the system, and the account number I had was wrong. So I go to the guy, wait 5 minutes, he gives me a new number. I call and the woman says "no you can't delete over the phone you have to write a letter, and either ways you will owe for the 7 months you are cancelling"

WTF. Bitch informs me that as of dec1 2007 my account was changed to be a year long contract, and not the month by month we had signed up for. Except I never changed it, I never signed anything, nothing like that. And if they let Manuel or Ysmay change something than I will be killing those two then suing orange for letting nonauthorized users make changes to my account.

So I get back in line, hypverventilating, and start explaining what happened and how she says I have this contract, but its impossible because we never said we wanted one. We bought everything in october, got it all set up pretty, but noticed our international phone wasn't working. So Ysmay and I went back to ask about it, and aparetly they never entered it into our account, and that she would set it up so that it would start working on nov 6, so other than that we never made contact with orange or france telecom. and at the store they dont know who made the change on my account. but they will try and see what happened, they said and then will call. if I don't get a call by wednesday there is going to be a shitshow

speaking of shit show, of which I am currently starring in, sleeping bills have to be classified as hallucinogetics. even as I type this I see the words shuffling around and bouncing back and forth across the screen totally just took up a good 10 minutes of my time but I've gotten to the point where I can't see words clearly which means knock out shall commense in t-5 therefor I need to end this licketysplit so I don't spend the night cuddling my poor laptop

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