Tuesday, April 29, 2008


so here I am back from ireland. let me brag to you about my awesome free trip.

We crammed all 53 of us onto a bus with 53 seats, so I was stuck sitting with the old people (aka the proffesors, lol). Our bus driver was a guy named Micheal who I'm pretty sure was recently some gangsters bitch in prison. He had what was OBVIOUSLY a prison tat on his fore arm and a nose that leaned so far to the left I wondered if it impeded his vision. He also liked to talk on the phone and play with his tom-tom while going 80 miles an hour down little country roads.

We took the ferry over which was awesome because I got my own cabin, SUCKERS. We spent 3 nights in Limerick, 2 in Gort (about a half hour south of Galway) and 2 in Killarney. We took the kids to all these awesome castles and museums and historic sites but all you ever heard on the bus was "LOOK AT THE CUTE BABY SHEEP!!!" And I swear I wasn't the only one shouting it.

But seriously, they were so fucking cute I could have puked.

I died of boredom at every meal because I had to sit with previously mentioned old people and all they talked about was school and their gardens. In French. Which, you know, gets tiresome after a while. Though it was fun hearing all the horrible things they say about students they don't like, HA.

When I could I spent time with some of the older students, who like to play asshole with shitty rules and don't know how to shuffle cards. I wooed them with my american rules and amazing shuffling skills. If they were ten years older and I was a man they would totally have my babies.

While in Ireland I got Christophe addicted to the Dropkick Murphys, which was a lot of fun until he started hogging my Ipod. I learned how to play le loup-garou, which is a more complicated version of some game we play in the states whose name I can't remember, but like its when you have a detective, a killer, and one other special character, and everyone closes their eyes and you have to figure out who the killer is before they kill everyone... right.

Saturday was absolutely perfect, so obviously everything had to go wrong on Sunday. The ferry had mechanical problems and was five hours later, so instead of arriving back in montargis at 9 we got back at 1:30.

After today the appartment is mine, YAY. Tomorrow I need to go to Orange and Town hall to fix some things, seeing as I asked Ysmay to ask a question about our deposit but she never did. She never did any of the things I asked, it was so fucking annoying. Before I left, I wrote a note asking her to arrange the inspection and to ask about the deposit and they keys. FRIDAY NIGHT I got a message asking when I would be available for the visit, so when I call I find out she hasn't even called yet. Then on Sunday I get a message from Manuel asking me the same information which Ysmay obviously didn't share, and since Manuel really doesn't speak french he didn't understand me yelling at me. Today I find out that they already did the inspection, but they never asked about the deposit. FUCKIN A MAN.

oh well. I think I might just eat the deposit, since my almost 200 euro rent check probably won't get cashed before I close my account BITCHES. I'm still going to ask, though. I'm greedy, what do you want from me????

I have to go eat shitty cafeteria food now, since I didn't have time to cook me a lunch before I left. YUCK.

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